Erica M.


Erica M.
12.40 points


Fort Washington, PA, USA

Established: 10/23/2015
Members: 1

Group Tags:

Entrepreneur Networking, Entrepreneurship, Lead Swap, Leads Exchange, Leads Group, Professional Networking, Small Business, Small Business Owners, Social Networking, Startup Businesses

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The Leads Group

The Leads Group is a leads exchange group based in the Fort Washington, PA area. Group Usually Meets: 8:00 AM on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Usual Meeting Location: Regus Business Center 500 Office Center Drive, Suite 400 Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034 Dues: $75 one-time plus $160 per year Group Contact: Dennis Becker Group Website: Disclaimer: This group was setup using publicly available information found on the group’s home page or other website(s) and LeadsGroup cannot guarantee the accuracy of any such information. If you are a member or owner of this group and would like to claim it and update the information, please email [email protected] and request that the group be transferred to your LeadsGroup account. After you claim your group, you may update your group’s location, description, membership, and other information.